The Coffee Brewers has been one of the top suppliers in this business for over 15 years. We've got lots of experience and know-how, and connections throughout all aspects of the companies that make equipment and supplies for this industry. We are the only COMPLETE supplier out there: we've got a huge selection of equipment pertinent to ALL aspects of coffee & tea storage, preparation & service, both at home, and commercially.
Our business is evenly split between home customers and commercial coffee shops and restaurants, and also pretty evenly - in both sets of customers - between people that are new to coffee, espresso, and tea preparation, and coffee bars with professional baristas. We have the experience and expertise with which to advise professionals in this business on choosing the right equipment for their businesses. And we delight in offering that same level of expertise to the newcomer to the coffee & tea industry who just wants basic equipment for personal home use, or for a new small business.
We can give you that advice in plain English, and can explain the reasons for our advice. Many people who are new to espresso have the idea that there is a "best" espresso machine. This is not true. Just like a car, or a pair of shoes, or a handbag, there is only a "best" espresso machine for your particular circumstances and lifestyle. At The Coffee Brewers, our main goal is to find the best equipment that matches your situation, your lifestyle, and your budget.we are happy.
Why Choose The Coffee Brewers?
4 BIG Reasons!FIRST:
In this business, we have it ALL! Our website has the broadest selection within
the industry of coffee and espresso equipment. We have a HUGE selection of
espresso machines, both for Home use and for Commercial use. These include
Lever Espresso Machines, Semi-and-Full Automatic Espresso Machines, and
Superautomatic Espresso Machines.
We've been around longer than most. Coffee is ubiquitous and we've been one
of the top websites in this business for nearly 15 years. (We were the top site
before Google started selling spots to large department stores.) We've got lots of
experience and know-how, and connections within the industry.
We've got tons of articles on our site that explain nearly every aspect of the
business, the equipment, and the history and science behind making coffee and
running a successful coffee business.
We offer financing!