This large frothing thermometer will clip to the inside of your frothing pitchers so you know the temperature of your milk. Thermometer face is 1.75 inches in diameter for easy reading. Note that the thermal range for a good froth is indicated in RED on the face of this thermometer.
Shaft of frothing thermometer is 8" long. Our 12-oz. frothing pitchers are 3.5" deep, so this is WAY too big. But for frothing pitchers that are 32 oz. or more, this thermometer will fit your frothing pitcher more naturally, e.g., our 50 0z. frothing pitchers are 6" deep. This frothing thermometer - with the adjustable clip - will fit pitchers that are 32 oz. or larger. The clip allows you to elevate the thermometer's head well above the frothing pitcher.