When you have an espresso machine there are certain accessories than you will have to have, and many that you will want to have. The number of extras you will want will depend on how you use the machine. It will also depend on the type of machine that you have. A lever type machine and an ultra-automatic have different accessory requirements. There are many options to choose from, and unless you run a coffee shop, many of them won’t be strictly necessary, although they are nice to have anyway. Serving cups, saucers, and demitasse spoons are lovely to have, no matter which style of machine you use.
Serving Accessories
You may not absolutely need a beautiful service for your espresso, but it does make the experience of drinking a coffee that much more special. There are specially designed cups for lattes, cappuccinos, and single shots of espresso that are wonderful additions to your espresso counter, whether it’s in your home or office. Special spoons, carafes, and other such things may not strictly be required to drink your beverage, but they are part of what makes for an elegant experience and enjoyment of the drink. With the advent of big retail chain coffee stores, paper cups have become the norm, and you can order those items online as well if they are what make your espresso drink feel like a treat.
Tools of the Trade
Unless you have an ultra automatic espresso maker, chances are there are several items that you are going to need to make your espresso. One of them is a coffee grinder. You will need a way to process whole espresso beans on the spot before putting them in the filter. It’s also a good bet that you’ll need a tamper to pack the ground coffee into the filter for the best extraction. It’s difficult to get a good extraction if the grounds are not properly packed in the filter. Another must have is some kind of pitcher and a thermometer for steaming or frothing the milk. The thermometer can be crucial to getting the temperature of the milk just right.
Cleaning and Maintenance
If you want your machine to last, it will need to be properly cleaned and regularly maintained. Cleaning is very important to the operation of an espresso machine. The steaming wands especially need to be free of milk after every use. If you have the tools to properly clean and maintain your espresso machine it should last you for many years without fail.
The Good Stuff
Of course, one of the most crucial accessories for your espresso machine is the coffee that goes into it and the syrups used to flavor different drinks. There are many different brands of coffee beans available, and the choice is ultimately personal as to which tastes better to you.
We are proud of the extent of our product selection and strive to make sure we are the one-stop shop for everything espresso related. We sell premium espresso machines and accessories and would be happy to serve you or your business. SHop with us online or give us a call at 1-888-665-7262 today!